Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

What an interesting Christmas morning this has been. So far I have cleaned the down stairs and gotten a good start on the upstairs portion of the house. Maybe I should explain a little. We went down to Utah for Nancy and Jace's wedding on the 20th. I won't try to explain all the ins and outs of that, but would encourage you to check their web site because, in time, I am sure they will have pictures and comments. Suffice it to say, it was very nice, full of snow and complications, but great all the same. Our flight home on the 21st was canceled due to snow in Washington, and complicated by snow in Utah. We did get out on the morning of the 22nd, one of a hand full of flights that actually were allowed to land at SeaTac! The Kincaid's decided to stay in Utah for the week so they defaulted their tickets and are planning on returning on the 26th, weather willing.

That said, no one is home so there is nothing to do but what needs doing. Such a sad state of events, having to just do what needs doing rather than pushing it aside to do things that are much more fun. Makes me laugh a little when I think of it, but work is a saving grace most of the time and today is no exception. I even vacuumed the laundry room, you know that is scrapping (humm, interesting thought) the bottom of the barrel for me!

And now I am fixing a Christmas dinner for Joyce and Jock, Larry and myself. We will have left over Turkey, a long story in and of itself! You see, Linda stored her turkey in my freezer. When I lifted out the hamburger I was taking south to Lawrence the turkey failed to fly back into the freezer. Needless to say, when I got home it was thawed in a very cold room. I rinsed it, smelled it, felt it and made a decision....I cooked it! And it is one of the best tasting turkeys I have had in ages! WSU ran studies on same, the closer things are to spoiling the better they taste. I must have gotten pretty close because it is really good. And of course I decided not to share the fact with Linda but was over-ridden on that one....she might as well laugh at me while I laugh at myself! And I will replace the turkey! And then I am making Herb Bread but can't get a hold of Emily to get the recipe so we are having Michelle's french bread with what I think needs to be added to make it herb bread.

I had feared this would be a difficult day but it has been perfectly acceptable. I got a cute picture from Luzvie in regards to their Christmas and have had a phone call from Nancy too. The rest will check in later I am sure. And, the bottom line, the house needed some attention.

Life gave me time I didn't really want, but life also gave me a vacuum cleaner and the two have balanced out until things are perfectly acceptable. All is well here on the Island with a beautiful white Christmas that is melting quickly as the rain is coming down and the temperatures are going up. So typical Island!

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