Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Second Hand new

I just returned from the second hand store with three new shirts and a new jacket. I had purchased a red jacket some time back and wore it a lot, liked it a lot but I have managed to loose enough weight that it no longer did good things for mem both physically and emotionally. So I found a new one. It is not as nice as the one I sent out, but it is home with me now. And it is a full two sizes less than the one it replaces so that makes me feel good. I then found 3 shirts, one was a blue cotton that someone had chopped the long sleeves short on. I know they were chopped because they did a lousy job of it. I thought about fixing same but I like the length so we will just pretend it is peachy! Then there was another blue one that has long sleeves and, when I finish this, the sleeves are coming off that one also. It is the season for short sleeves and I will insist. The other is a silk number that I am hoping will be cool enough for the trip to Utah to help Nancy. It is dark of color but light weight so I am thinking it will be fine. Three new things, that is a major haul, plus a replacement of something I had enjoyed. All in all a good day for digging at the second hand store!

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