Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another use for canned salmon

It is always fun when you come up with another use of something you have. And that something is canned salmon. It needs to be used, 2006 variety and aged a plenty. So, with that in mind, I was thinking what I could do. I have made fritters and they are amazing but I wanted something different. So I did the old Hot Chicken Salad thing but substituted Salmon and added some fresh lemon juice and fresh parsley. I then served it with chives on the top and, though no one is home to eat it but me, it is mighty fine. I get so tired of the same foods and am always trying to come up with new ideas. This is not a new idea, but a turn on an old idea that pleased me greatly.

I think that is one of the reasons I enjoy eating out so much. The idea part, the taste part and let us not forget that they do the dishes after all is said and done. I have been watching the "food network" on T.V. some evenings to harvest some new ideas. And I have found several things that I have either tried or intend to try. It isn't as much fun as eating out but it is more fun that eating alone and eating the same stuff you have been eating for the past century (and I can honestly say that!).

Todays enlightenment from the food network was deseeding roma tomatoes. Easy process and it makes them better in many salads. Cut them in half and then grab them and squeeze the seeds out of them. Chop up the other parts and away we go. What a simple concept and it will be helpful in many things. I loved Chopped tomotoes in things, but sometimes they just get too seedy and runny, this will solve the problem. It is nice to learn something new!

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