Friday, September 5, 2008

Logan McKay

The scales have tipped to the male side, but in a very pleasant way. On September 3rd, about 7:30 in the evening Linda and Curtis welcomed little Logan McKay into the family. Now I admit Little was never an adjective that I thought I would be using in conjunction with Linda's family, but it applies this time. He is a small child, 7 pounds and 11 ounces and almost 21 inches in length. For the Kincaid section of the family that is down right tiny! But he is well, he is healthy and Linda had a relatively easy delivery. There has never been an easy delivery, want to get that out right away, but the arrival of Logan was about as uncomplicated as you can get.

Babies all look like babies, a couple of differences as to size and color, but they all look like babies. That said, he seems to favor Curtis. That is good in that James really favors Linda in many, many ways. It only seems fair that Curtis has a child that looks like him too.

With the birth of Logan I have had the privilege of watching Master James for a couple of days. He loves being on Island, not because he really enjoys me but because he loves the freedom and the entertainment. He arrived at the house late but the first thing in the morning he wanted to see the puppy i.e. Kayla and he wanted to go out with Papa. They spent several hours outside just doing guy things. Good for all concerned. And, of course, they break every once in a while for trampoline time. That is the best to watch. James crawls up on the chair and onto the trampoline, Kayla bounds up and lays down on her back so that James can bounce her around. That is the most strange thing, dogs are not supposed to like being bounced on their backs but she appears to love it. If dogs could giggle I think she would! Emily had no idea what a nut this dog truly was, although she did know she was going to be a fun dog.

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