Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Music of Nature

When you step outside the door at the cabin you hear the serenade of hundreds of black birds. Now the humble black bird is not much to look at, although the red winged black bird is rather interesting. However, when you put a whole bunch of them in the trees on top of the bank and all trying to out sing their neighbor, the sound is rather amazing. You have this total wash of bird songs and it is breath-takingly beautiful. You have to look hard to see them in the trees but they are there. I have no idea how long they will be gathering before they make the final statement and head south, but I certainly am enjoying their songs at present. Let's face it, sea gulls are not the most wonderful singers on the Island, so the black birds are a welcome change.

The salmon are still running. This morning Doug was gone less than two hours and came home with 3 fish...and yes there were two people in the boat. Nice looking, about the 4 to 5 pound variety I would guess. They cleaned them in the waves so that the gulls cleaned up the mess. Then they brought them up onto the bulk head and got out the pressure washer and blasted the scales off them. That was a new concept but it seemed to work well from my perspective. At that point they were filleted and taken into the house to freezer probably. Oh it makes me jealous when they do that. Particularly when I know I have a fisherman that would love to be doing the same each and every morning. It will happen eventually but not this season. Poor LJ, he probably is not enjoying reading this now, but so be it.

The beach certainly offers me a different pallet on which to make my day. I think I needed the change because I am really enjoying something different. And it is fun to have Amy around occasionally. She is my side kick a couple of days a week, and she is a fun little side kick to deal with. Tomorrow Linda is bringing Logan and James and I have Claire and Amy, we are going to get together at one of the parks and let them have fun. Then home for naps each in their own space. It should be a fun outing for all of us.

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