Saturday, August 16, 2008

The County Fair

It is amazing how simple the County Fair is when you don't have children doing everything. Those days of baskets lined up in the kitchen, each loaded with ingredients for whatever is happening that day are gone and, truth be told, I don't miss them. I do miss the involvement however, but have come to the conclusion I can have that on my own terms.

This year I worked with open class food preservation. Another person was in charge and at the last minute didn't come through so I got to do it. It was actually kind of fun, but there have got to be lots of changes for next year. Like people have to follow the directions and those directions need to be spelled out a whole lot more clear. The judge was going to D.Q. half the entries because they didn't have proper paper work, I talked her into white ribbons however. If she had actually D.Q.ed all those we would have had empty shelves. As was they were plenty sparse, but I spread everything out so it looked roomy rather than empty.

And the 4-H portion. No one had all that many entries, just a particularly busy season for everyone. Avery had success with several of her things, bombed on photography but that is not uncommon, but her sewing was well received and she had some cookies that did OK. Samantha had straight blues on her things (4-H had almost straight blues which tells me there was not much judging going on) but my little Kristin came through with the winners. She took sewing Junior Grand champion and reserve grand champion. She also took grand champion in food preservation....and she only entered 5 things to get those 3 purple ribbons! She didn't have much but it was class work, I agree on that one.

Already leaves me thinking that we will do more next year. I can't possibly be more busy than this year! I don't think it is humanly possible to be more busy!

So tomorrow we break things down and then I have my house guests go home and I can start cleaning things and getting organized to start work the first week of September. I have started scheduling things and we will see what comes of this years schedule. Should be easier as there is no seminary.

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